This webserver is the home of Darbonne, the Floating City, and other websites as well...

DARBONNE, THE FLOATING CITY      There was a time, long before the beginning of history, when there were both good and evil forces in the Land of Mordor. The battles between them raged constantly with first one side and then the other claiming victory.  It was the third age.  A great force of dragons and balrogs had joined forces in a grand assualt against the elves, dwarves and humans, but a triad of powerful wizards, aided by a white mage, saved the city of Darbonne.  Together, the four cast a self-perpetuating spell on the city.  The spell lifted the city into the air, higher than any dragon could fly.

Unfortunately, one of Darbonne's great libraries was torn asunder, and parchments which were stored there, upon which were recorded offensive spells from the realms of Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, were lost from that library.  Mighty adventurers still seek the fragments of those mystical parchments in many dangerous and mysterious places.  Would you like to join them?
    Styx, from the city of Oceancrest, will be your Dungeon Master.

A little history... In the year 1994 I became the keeper of an established Multi-User-Dungeon game known as Oceancrest, which had a player database of approximately 180 players.  The original game's code was written by Brett Vickers, with contributions by his friends, while the game scenario was primarily written by Kevin Kawado.  Both were students at the University of California in Irvine.  The game was moved to a private server in my office which was connected to the internet through Cerritos College, in Norwalk, California.  At the time I was chairman of the Electronics and Technical Mathematics department.  In 1996 I gave up the Oceancrest game to Brooke Paul, one of the players and also a grauate student in Irvine.  He and his friends continued to expand and improve the code which they used to create Isengard.

With their permission, I used much of their improved code to create the City of Darbonne, but also wrote more, with the help of Steve Smith.  I invited several other friends to help create the story of Darbonne.  They served as Dungeon Masters for the floating city.

In the year 2000, I retired and took the game of Darbonne to my home web server where it has been ever since.  Unfortunately the game was closed in 2014.  (The original code was no longer compatible with the latest Linux operating system.)  The code, written in the C language for a Linux based operating system, still exists but needs to be updated to work with the newer hardware systems or maybe the later programming libraries.  (If you are an accomplished Linux programmer and want to help, please contact me!)
    Roy Wilson -- Styx - The Dungeon Master